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Announcing Logbook Pro for Android

NC Software is proud to announce the immediate availability of Logbook Pro for Android.  Logbook Pro for Android is a FREE app available now on the Android Market.  If you have a device (phone or tablet) with Android OS 2.2 or later, go to the Android Market and get your free app now.

Logbook Pro for Android is hands down the best pilot logbook software for Google's Android powered devices. Logbook Pro brings you the most popular, reliable, trusted, and proven electronic flight logbook software for pilots used in the aviation community for over a decade. Logbook Pro enables you to track your Certificates, Ratings, Medicals, Flight Reviews, Historical data, and Flights (actual or sim) and view detailed and extensive reports. Import airline schedules and integrate your device's calendar for reminder notifications and scheduling deconfliction.


* Efficient user interface and pleasant user-experience
* High contrast color scheme making data easy to read and less fatiguing
* Track Certificates, Ratings, History Items (Medicals, Flight Reviews, etc.)
* Track actual and sim flights
* See when expiring events (History Items) expire instantly on your device
* Calculate duration from OUT-IN or TAKEOFF-LAND times with the tap of a button
* View powerful and comprehensive reports generated by Logbook Pro PC edition right on your device
* Show currency status with colored marker flags indicating current or expired
* View your details summary bar report
* Analyze complete logbook statistics with both totals and percentages
* View FAR 121 limitations with colored markers (requires Logbook Pro Professional Edition or higher)
* View FAR 135 limitations with colored markers (requires Logbook Pro Professional Edition or higher)
* Auto-enter the duration value in other time fields with a single tap
* Customizable cascading time entries for Out, Takeoff, Landing, and In making flight entry quick and easy
* New flight entries can default with prior flight entry data for rapid flight log entry
* Customize the layout to declutter display showing only fields you need
* Advanced synchronization with your My Sync portal at
* Fully automated synchronization both on the PC side and device side keeps your device and PC updated effortlessly
* Device uses colors to identify current and overdue, synchronized or not. No need to purge, the device manages your data smartly
* Instant filter in each data area to show: All Data, Not Yet Synchronized, Synchronized
* Free form route entry allows a single entry for the entire day; no hassle with picking or searching for airports
* AutoFill makes populating common time fields a breeze
* Track multiple approaches of each type for each flight
* Log "By Leg" or "By Day" allowing you to collate your entire day into a single flight log entry
* Import Airline Schedules from your personal cloud storage at
* Integrate with your device calendar
* Password protect your app from unwanted access
* High speed, efficient database design for reliable and responsive operations
* Quick increment buttons to easily add/subtract values for fields such as landings, approaches, etc.
* Extremely customizable with a plethora of options to make the app into what you need


✦ Documentation:
✦ Cloud Sync documentation:

Notes & Requirements:

✦ This app is not a stand-alone logbook, it is designed to work in tandem with Logbook Pro PC edition
✦ This app is not APDL, it is our general aviation product "Logbook Pro" with features to help airline pilots such as FAR 121 reports and schedule importing
✦ Logbook Pro PC edition version 1.11.2 or later required (activation is not required)
✦ Synchronization with Logbook Pro PC edition enabled through our cloud synchronization system. Each device gets a free 30 day subscription, use of the cloud synchronization system after 30 days requires a subscription. For more details see
✦ Schedule Importing requires a separate subscription. Visit to subscribe
Oshkosh Sale - now thru Sunday (7/31) midnight EST
If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter you know we throw "social networking" sales from time to time.  To honor EAA AirVenture Oshkosh we posted a sale on Facebook a few days ago.  Visit our Facebook page to find the details and if you hurry you can take advantage of this special offer before it runs out on Sunday, 7/31 midnight eastern (GMT-4).  Be sure to LIKE us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter so you're informed of our special sales for those that follow us.
Airline Schedule Importer 8.4 Released
NC Software is proud to announce a significant update to the airline schedule importer - version 8.4. Version 8.4 adds a new timezone feature for pilot's with trip data in a fixed timezone other than the prior two options of LOCAL and UTC. As pictured below a third option "Custom" is now available where you can specify the timezone of the trip data. The airline schedule importer converts data used for integrations such as Logbook Pro for iPhone, iPad, and Android to UTC which can then be used for calendar integrations and custom time zone options. As described on the schedule importer portal, if LOCAL is specified, each destination OUT and IN time will be converted to the respective timezone based on the airport identifier associated. UTC data will have no conversion applied, and CUSTOM will convert from the user specified timezone to UTC.

Schedue Importer Timezones

If you have any questions or problems using the schedule importer, click here and submit a support ticket.  We will gladly and promptly assist you with using this invaluable tool for airline pilots.
Using the new date/time pickers in Logbook Pro 1.11.7
block times

In Logbook Pro 1.11.7 we changed the date and time controls in the block time (takeoff/landing or out/in) input system due to issues with some international Windows configurations.  We received several inquiries regarding the use of the date/time input system as it is different from the prior system as far as keyboard integration.  The new system is just as easy to use, you just need to learn the new keyboard integration.

For the date element, you can click the drop down button to display a calendar to select a date.  As with most calendar drop downs and controls you can quickly change the month and year by clicking the caption in the header of the calendar.  Another selector will appear allowing you to quickly change month and year values.  However, you can quickly just type in the date without having to press TAB to move between sections.  When you enter the date separator / the cursor will advance to the next section.  For example as shown above, if you simply type 7/24/2011 you can enter the date just as shown, i.e. 7 then / then 24 then / then 2011.  It's that easy!

As to the time element, you can click in a time section of hours or minutes and use the up/down arrows.  However, just like the date editor you can simply type 10 and then : and then 33 and the : will advance you to the next section.

Both date and time have both + / - keys as well as up and down arrow keys setup to also allow you to rapidly change values up or down by using either of these keyboard options.

If you didn't realize you can enter Out, Takeoff, Landing, and In times, the columns are hidden by default.  When in the spreadsheet log area simply right-click in the data area and choose Configure Display to show/hide columns as needed.
Latest Knowledgebase Articles
If you have questions on how to do something or something doesn't seem to be working just right, be sure to check out our support page which will guide you to valuable resources such as the Knowledgebase.  The Help Desk home page has a nice listing of both most viewed KB articles as well as recently added KB articles.  Browse these as well to show you what's new or most active by other users.

Here are a few of the most popular and recent articles:
End of Life - Logbook Pro Palm and Pocket PC Companions
With the release of Logbook Pro for iPhone, iPad, and Android we will be discontinuing sales and support for "Logbook Pro PDA Companion" for Palm OS and Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) effective December 31, 2011.  This does NOT affect APDL for Palm and Pocket PC.  We will continue those products until APDL for iPhone and Android are released at a later date.
Hiding columns you don't need in the spreadsheet log data entry area
Logbook Pro Display Configuration

From time to time we see users "hiding" columns by sizing them to minimum width in the spreadsheet log data area.  This is NOT the way to hide columns in Logbook Pro.  As shown above, there is a system to allow you to actually hide columns or even rename the column headings (captions) as desired.  To access this system you can right-click in the spreadsheet log display area and choose "Configure Display..." from the popup menu or go to Options/Flight Log and click the Display Config button.  To learn more click here.

If you want to reset your layout and start over with a fresh layout (your data will not be affected) click here for a KB article on how to reset your data area layout.
Are you up-to-date?
Product Version
Logbook Pro PC Edition 1.11.7
Logbook Pro Universal App for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad 2.3.4
Logbook Pro for Android 1.0.1
Logbook Pro Palm Companion 1.10.5
Logbook Pro Pocket PC Companion 1.10.16
Airline Pilot's Daily Aviation Logbook - Palm OS 6.0.4
Airline Pilot's Daily Aviation Logbook - Pocket PC 6.1.4
FlightCentral Route Browser 2.2
Airline Schedule Importer 8.4
Android Market  App Store  Sporty's Pilot Shop
Click here to download updates as required.

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