The biggest concern of most people switching from paper
logbooks to Logbook Pro is the amount of time and effort it
will take to re-enter "all that data!" Certainly, you
will get the most benefit out of Logbook Pro if you have
your data transferred line-by-line from paper log to Logbook
Pro. However, just as when you move to a new
paper logbook from an old one, Logbook Pro has a mass
carry-over capability to bring your data over in lump sums.
Read this
KB article for details on how to do this. Because
Logbook Pro has full edit functionality you can always work
on bringing your paper log data over line-by-line and then
delete the mass carry-over entry later.
For new pilots it is imperative to start now with Logbook
Pro so you don't end up having to transfer 3500 hours later.
Instructors, it is in your hands to educate your student
pilots on keeping logbooks whether paper or Logbook Pro, so
be sure to educate them on the benefits of Logbook Pro from
the start. Logbook Pro Enterprise Edition in your
flight school will also allow you to oversee the accuracy of
your student pilot's use of Logbook Pro as they learn the
ways of keeping a pilot logbook.
For experienced pilots that just cannot bring themselves
to the time and effort of transferring years of data, we'll
do it for you! We have a pool of volunteer pilots that
take your paper logbook data and enter it for you which
takes the burden off of you and allows our pilots in need of
extra cash to pay their rent. So you both win, NC
Software does NOT profit off of this service, all money is
pass-through to the laborers working hard on your logbook.
For details on our Data Entry Service please read the
section of our Logbook Pro web site and then contact us
for pricing and a contract.