I know computers may not be our friends from time to
time, this "thing" is supposed to save us time isn't it?
Well installing software can sometimes be tricky, we try to
make it as easy as possible for you. The first thing
is to ensure you have administrative rights
on your computer. If you are using a work computer or
a restricted account given to you by someone else (your
employer) they may not want you installing things.
Sometimes security software can interfere but quite frankly
I've never had to disable it to install a software
application but I realize it could get in the way. But
you can try that if you're having a problem installing
One of the most common problems today with installing
software is Windows Vista's User Account Control (UAC).
See the article above for more information but in order to
use Logbook Pro you must disable and leave UAC
disabled. Our next version of Logbook Pro,
due out sometime near the end of 2008 if all goes well, will
be UAC compatible. Go into the Windows Control Panel
and then User Accounts section and find the "User Account
Control" option and disable it. Reboot, leave UAC
disabled if prompted to re-enable it and then install the
Another common problem is when you download a product
from the Internet you are offered the RUN, SAVE, CANCEL
option. I highly recommend NEVER choosing the
RUN option. Instead, download the product to
your hard drive and then double-click the downloaded file.
If you continue to have a problem try our web based
installer as it operates a little differently than the
normal installers.
Click here t to download Logbook Pro's web based
installer. After downloading this small file to your
hard drive, double-click it and the installation will
proceed. Make sure you remain connected to the
Last but not least - make sure you have ALL
available critical AND optional windows updates
installed. It is important to keep your computer
up-to-date and failing to do so will just cause more
A quick note on installing PDA software. A common
question is how to install a PDA software product downloaded
from our web site. Do NOT copy what you download from
our web site and try to run it on your PDA, that's not how
it is installed. Instead you should actually install
what you download from our web site to your PC and then
install on your PC. Palm OS devices will install the
software on next HotSync, Windows Mobile devices will start
the PDA installation process automatically if connected
during install. So again, install to your PC, not your
PDA, we'll do the rest for you.