Logbook Pro & Airline Pilot's Daily Aviation Logbook News:
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Windows 7 - we're 100% compatible |
October 22nd has come and gone and the greatest
operating system ever produced by Microsoft is now
available to the world. We've been honored to
have the final release of Windows 7 in our hands for
over two months for testing and to ensure
compatibility with our software products.
We're happy to report our software is 100%
compatible with Windows 7 and you'll enjoy the
performance improvements, security, and broad range
of software applications available only to Windows.
Windows 7 follows the same design guidelines as
Windows Vista with its User Account Control security
and permissions system. Be sure your Logbook
Pro data file is NOT located in the old default
location of "C:\Program Files\Logbook Pro"
but instead is located in the new default location
of /My Documents/My Logbook Pro Files/v1
(/My Documents is termed /Documents in Vista).
If you have any problems you can simply disable User
Account Control in the Windows Control Panel / User
Accounts Area until you get your data file moved.
You can move the data file within Logbook Pro using
the File...Move menu command.
If you have any questions about our software please
visit our help desk and contact us if unable to find
your answer in our knowledgebase or community
Enjoy! Microsoft's Windows 7 is awesome! |
Time change this weekend (USA) |
Don't forget to "fall back" (set your clock back an
hour) Sunday morning as the time changes here in
North America. For a list of time changes
click here.
APDL users:
On or after Nov 1st uncheck "Daylight Savings is in
effect" on the "Timezone Settings" preference page.
If you are importing trips after Nov 1st wait until
you have unchecked "Daylight Savings is in effect".
If you have a trip that starts before Nov 1st,
import the trip. Then switch to your Logbook
Timezone and manually correct the times after 2:00
am on Nov 1st.
How to order software from our store for someone
else (gifts) |

Play Video
It's nearing that time of year again and the
holidays will be upon us before we know it.
Although the economy is still putting a pinch on us
all we have affordable
software and
binder products
to help make your pilot friends, family, and
coworkers smile. Click the play button above
to watch a brief 2 minute video on how to purchase
from our web site and license a software product in
someone else's name. By default when ordering
software from our store the registration information
is in the billing name. Enter the name of the
recipient (or business name) in the "License to" box
and then click add to cart. It's that easy.
We also sell gift certificates which don't expire.
Click here
to view our gift certificates where you can specify
the amount for your gift certificate and let your
pilot recipient come back at any time later and
purchase what they want and need. You never
know what a pilot already has or not, so gift
certificates are great for those hard to shop for.
If you have any questions
here to contact us for prompt and courteous
FlightCentral released an update, version 2.2, to
its popular mapping add-in for Logbook Pro.
This update adds support for both Windows Vista and
Windows 7 as well as other enhancements. If
you downloaded version 2.2 prior to October 16th and
Logbook Pro's Add-In menu will not launch Route
Browser, uninstall and re-download as FlightCentral
fixed this issue and republished the update.
Click here to download Route Browser 2.2.
If you haven't purchased a license for this awesome
add-in with Google Earth integration,
here to do so now.
Development update
(Logbook Pro, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc.) |
We get a lot of questions (daily) about pretty
much every product out there including iPhone,
Android, Palm Pre, BlackBerry, Nokia, you name it!
I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know
where we are in our development efforts.
First off, realize we are a very small company.
Each and every one of these platforms has its own
operating system and therefore it's own programming
language. This makes it very challenging for a
limited number of programmers to cover such a wide
range of programming needs. So realize we are
doing our best but it takes time, a very long time,
to write software applications. We are not
Microsoft with 2,000+ people on a development team.
Our main priority is Logbook Pro 2010, the next
generation logbook for your PC. This is also
laying the foundation for all other platforms to
come with our network and database architecture in
place for this new system. We are years into
this development effort and it looks like mid-2010
for the release, but those of you know that have
been hearing about version 2, and any other name
we've called it, it will be released only when it's
ready. What we sell now is a rock solid
feature rich product that serves its purpose very
well. We are working though to take what we've
established thus far to a new level and up to par
with today's Microsoft technologies.
We are also working presently on Logbook Pro iPhone
edition. Just as with Logbook Pro 2010, I
refuse to tell you a date because if I do, I won't
meet it! It's the nature of software. I
prefer to release a quality, stable, well tested
product rather than just pushing some limited
worthless something out the door just to say we have
support for it!
Palm Pre users, check these two links for
information on using Classic to help you get your
classic palm apps working.
Link 1 /
Link 2. I don't anticipate support for
this until after Logbook Pro 2010 releases and
subsequently our mobile web architecture.
Android and BlackBerry, probably mid to late 2010.
Android is new but we recently received some great
news on the developer side for tools in developing
for the Android, but it's low priority for us at the
moment. I use a BlackBerry myself and would
love to support it but there's no rush, we want it
to work with Logbook Pro 2010 first and foremost so
we are holding off on this.
I hope this gives you a feel of where we are and
where we're going. We have a small but very
active group of beta testers working along our side
in the Logbook Pro 2010 development and testing
process. It is coming along nothing short of
amazing! I promise you will be happy with what
we are producing!
For our MAC users, check out this new product
brought to my attention recently which lets you run
Windows apps without needing Windows. It's
Cross-Over by Codeweaver. Download the
free trial and see if it suits your needs.
They even tested Logbook Pro for us and found no
problems at all. Very neat!
Check this out - iPhone
logbook by 2nd City Software |
We know you want an iPhone logbook and my friend
George over at 2nd City Software has something
really sweet you can try out now! And it's cheap,
you can get it from the
Apple App Store for only $9.99! Go to the
App Store, search for "Flogger" in the upper right
of iTunes and start having fun!
One neat thing about Flogger is that it can backup
the data to Google Docs. Google Docs is a
spreadsheet application which is part of your free
Gmail account. So if you don't have a Gmail
account yet, sign up for your free account and then
enter the information into Flogger. Log a few
flights and then you can backup to Gmail's Google
Docs. As Google Docs is a spreadsheet you can
then export that data out to a TAB or CSV file and
use Logbook Pro's import wizard to import the data.
The interface is well designed and George has some
great customizability in his product. Be sure
to give your feedback to George to integrate with
Logbook Pro and hopefully he can make the effort
even more seamless. This should hold you over
until we release our iPhone app coming soon!
Click here to visit the Flogger web site and see
even more screenshots and learn more about this fun
little app. |